Sitemap - 2022 - REFIRE

Logistics continues to buck trend with record take-up in 2022

New German building permits fall for sixth successive month

Housing valuations feeling impact of utility charges

New German law barring cash transactions comes into effect in January

Financing sentiment barometer hits new all-time low

German residential rents continue to surge

SPD in move to impose cap on index-linked leases

Surge in new Bausparverträge as borrowers save for energetic refurbishment

Investment in European student housing hits record high

Holiday hotels enticing operators and institutional investors

Investors taking note of strength in serviced apartments sector

Car parks increasingly on investors’ radar

Wolfsburg is Germany's most sustainable city

Forests take on new role as energy crisis deepens

In praise of Things - and the dedicated craftsmanship it takes to create them

Primonial REIM building on European platform with three new funds

Vonovia and LEG to slash investment and maintenance spending

Are we headed towards a wall of 'stranded assets'?

Münchener Hyp swallows up Warburg Hypothekenbank

MSCI report highlights German decline among European markets

Germany falling dangerously behind in the race to establish biotech clusters

Dampened expectations for full-year German bank lending

BelWertV adjustment spells good news for lending value calculation

Logistics construction expected to hit new high this year

Germany considered ‘paradise’ for money laundering

Residential market feels the strain as interest rates rise

Modular building: is it the answer to Germany’s housing crisis?

EXPO REAL: ‘Constellation of challenges’ likely to dominate discussions

Local retailers displacing international and national chains on the high street

Surge in rent prices for German shared student accomodation

Consumption shifts from city centres to outskirts since COVID

Winter is Coming. Asset valuations are set to fall. Money is no longer free.

Aroundtown sells €1bn assets to pay down debt, accelerate share buybacks

Sentiment indices underscore gloomy outlook from property lenders

Logistics potential in eastern Germany tracking surge in industrial projects

German student housing bucks investment trend

INTREAL sees growth in AUM but warns of growing product complexity

Signs of first slight downturn in German residential prices

Shortage of skilled workers hitting industry hard

High inflation likely to lead to rent hikes for many offices

Office leasing market gathers momentum as investment market slows

Demand for German home equity release soars tenfold

Building costs, inflation, refugees help underpin residential market stability

'Avalanche' of investors eyeing self-storage in Germany

Germany’s listed property companies have probably been oversold

Phoenix Spree Deutschland sees Berlin valuations still holding firm

Rise in bank foreclosures expected as interest rates rise

Who owns the equity value of a rental deposit?

Life sciences real estate moving into the mainstream

Real Estate Management - living through a structural crisis

What are the likely effects of ECB rate hike on mortgage and property lending?

German logistics still seen as rock solid in turbulent times

German healthcare transactions down 20% amid developer turmoil

New Mietspiegel law to apply to all cities of 50,000 inhabitants and above

Germany steps up efforts to tackle money laundering

Are luxury properties losing their shine?

Nexum Capital and Arcida target distressed market with €250m debt fund

Recovery in hotels sector continues apace, led by branded groups

German house prices still rising, as threat of trend reversal looms

Only in Berlin... Graffiti art accompanies GSG topping-out in edgy Kotti

HanseMerkur cautious after big buying and lending spree in 2020/21

Could green loans become the norm?

Berlin residential to attract new buyers as earlier 10-year borrowers cash out

Are brownfields the new buzzword in development?

German investment figures hit newest low since 2011

Grundsteuerreform edges closer

Berlin takes one of the top spots in Savills’ Resilient Cities Index 2022

Tiny Houses now most popular alternative housing asset

Real Estate Debt Funds - their role in an evolving market

European retailers dipping their toes back into expansion pool

Interview - Sonar Real Estate

Germany's demographics still dominate despite raft of current woes

Building industry to fall well short of 400,000 new-housing target in 2022

Sony Center sees valuation rise by 25%

Aareal Bank agrees takeover terms, Atlantic BidCo becomes new owner

German financing banks boost lending, but cautious on developments

Otto in takeover bid for shopping centre operator Deutsche Euroshop

Residential prices still rising despite growing fears of "end of cycle"

Corestate fights to restructure debt as share price plunges

Investor optimism returns to Berlin housing market after scares of 2020

Spreads between fund returns and risk-free bonds headed for further narrowing

Spectre of inflation will test those chestnuts about the value of real estate

German Islamic fintech INAIA launches property crowdfunding platform

Thwarted investor group launches renewed takeover bid for Aareal Bank

Off-market deals gain traction during pandemic, versus structured bidding

INREV barometer signals clear shift in investor sentiment after record 2021

There's no way around it - German residential rents are still headed upwards

Constraints on bank lending unlikely to halt upward residential price spiral

Forward loans for borrowers see surge in demand as mortgage rates double

Crowdfunding platform Zinsbaustein taps into growth in resi refurbishment

City serviced-apartments segment sees strong growth trajectory

Wüest Partner study shows higher returns in smaller eastern German cities

German building site stoppages threatened as supply shortages bite

Warning on trend reversal in German student housing market

Estimates of up to 500,000 new German flats required to house refugees

In Germany, the cards are being shuffled and re-dealt. All previous bets are off.

Greenman bets on tech, vertical farming to stay ahead in food-anchored retail

Evidence mounting of rising office vacancies, even bubble fears

German GNIW's sale-leaseback model shines in growing equity-release sector

Fund inflows into German proptechs on target to top €1bn this year

Eurazeo enters German market with six GSG properties in Berlin

Lack of supply is only hindrance to more growth in student housing sector

German property foreclosures continue to fall nationwide

Cloud-based and digital brokers seek more of the German commission pie

German closed-end public AIF fund issuance to hit €1bn again in 2022

Further strong warning from Bundesbank on 'overheating' property market

CPI gains control of Vienna-listed Immofinanz - is it eyeing up S Immo?

New urban master plan by Frankfurt for development of data centres

German construction industry continues to boom despite shortages

VIB Vermögen still advising shareholders to reject DIC Asset takeover offer

Palmira gets green light for first-ever Article-9 logistics impact fund

New minister Klara Geywitz gets warm reception at Quo Vadis event

Bonn research study highlights yield differential in B- and C-cities

Berenberg launches first real estate private debt fund

Failed Aareal Bank takeover attempt leaves only losers so far

Failed Aareal Bank takeover attempt leaves only losers so far

Why we've started publishing on Substack

German construction industry still booming, despite surge in building costs

German government mis-step hints at scale of challenge ahead